Why Somaliland
The Republic of Somaliland comprises the former ‘British Somaliland Protectorate’. While still not internationally recognized as an independent country, Somaliland has its own working and democratically elected government, police force, political institutions, and currency, while also having avoided much of the turmoil and violence which is so prominent in neighboring Somalia.

While Somaliland has made great strides in achieving peace and stability over the past quarter century, significant public health challenges remain. Somaliland’s maternal mortality ratio is one of the highest in the world, and 1 in every 14 children die before their first birthday. Following years of failed rainy seasons and drought, many parts of Somaliland are experiencing acute food insecurity. Mothers and children, already vulnerable, are at heightened risk.
Food & Nutrition – To provide nutritious supplemental food in Hargeisa and greater Somaliland during a period of food and nutrition insecurity, to build local capacity among health workers and the broader community and to raise general awareness about the signs and symptoms of malnutrition as well as the importance of proper nutrition.
Progress on Goals
In 2022 CitiHope is implementing a USAID International Food Relief Partnership program, bringing 93.8 metric tons (MT) of the shelf-stable prepackaged fortified nutritional supplement Harvest Lentil Pro® by Breedlove Foods Inc., targeting 17,865 people in rural and urban areas of Somaliland.
This program is reaching:
8,812 children at 25 primary schools in the Maroodi Jeex and Hawd regions.
6,451 women and children in drought-affected rural and urban communities in Maroodi Jeex, Hawd, and Saahil regions, coordinating distribution through maternal health centers in these locations.
Populations often overlooked by food security programming by serving mental hospitals, orphanages, and special needs schools.
Patients – especially pregnant women, new mothers, and their children – seeking medical care at Edna Adan University Hospital (EAUH) in Hargeisa.
Students and staff of EAUH and their families, including midwifery students training in Hargeisa.
Related News
CitiHope is proud to work with a local partner, Edna Adan University Hospital (EAUH), an organization that is registered in Somaliland as a Not-For-Profit Charity. EAUH has successfully distributed rations supplied by the World Food Program to malnourished patients and is an extremely capable partner with on-the-ground capacity for implementation. CitiHope and EAUH have a successful history of partnership in health and nutrition programs in Somaliland.
CitiHope and EAUH have a successful history of partnership in health and nutrition programs in Somaliland. Since 2017, CHI and EAUH have implemented four IFRP programs in Somaliland, delivering 337.68 MT of Breedlove Harvest Lentil Pro® to rural drought-affected villages, mothers and children at EAUH and at maternal health clinics, students at primary schools and a special needs school, and medical and midwifery students, reaching over 71,000 people.
CitiHope and EAUH, in partnership with Somaliland Beverage Industries and The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation, have also delivered $7.6 million in essential medicines to hospitals in Borama and Baligubadle.